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PhD Funding: Diversity100 PhD Studentships

 PhD Funding: Diversity100 PhD Studentships

Last year, the Diversity100 PhD Studentships were launched at Birkbeck in an attempt to address the lower representation of ‘BAME’ students at doctoral level.

 We're pleased to share that applications are now open for 2021/22.

The studentship covers tuition fees and living costs, up to three years full-time or five years part-time, for students starting or continuing their PhD research at Birkbeck. 

 For the eligibility criteria and how to apply: http://www.bbk.ac.uk/student-services/financial-support/phd-funding/diversity100-studentships 

 The Birkbeck Graduate Research School plans to run some sessions where you can ask scholarships about the studentships and the application process in the Spring Term 2021. If you would like to be informed once details are available please, complete this brief form. In the meantime, you are welcome to contact the relevant department (links below) for further information about how to apply for a PhD at Birkbeck.

Deadline to Apply: 10th May 2021

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PhD Funding: Diversity100 PhD Studentships  PhD Funding: Diversity100 PhD Studentships Reviewed by Crystal Emmanuel on 02:17 Rating: 5

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