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Free Creative Networking Event at Centre of Excellence of Women's Entrepreneurship

Are you a Female Entrepreneur?
She Inspired Her would like to forward this invitation to our dedicated readers for a great event that we think you may like to attend later this month!

The Centre of Excellence of Women's Entrepreneurship are inviting business women and entrepreneurs like yourselves to attend an afternoon of creative networking, delivered by 'Open to Create'.
This event will take place on 21st May 2015 at the UEL Centre of 
Excellence of Women's Entrepreneurship from 4pm.

At this event you will join a 'workshop helping you to understand how to network effectively and become more comfortable with your own style' and 'this will be a great opportunity to meet with other CEWE members'. This workshop will be delivered by Anna B Sexton from 'Open to Create'

To attend this FREE event Click Here

Anna B. Sexton, Founder & Director of Open To Create... is Entrepreneur in Residence atLondon South Bank University Department of Research, Enterprise & Innovation, a speaker and facilitator for University of East London Centre of Excellence for Women's Entrepreneurship (CEWE),  PhD tutor in Reflective Leadership and Grade One Ofsted lecturer and tutor for Idea Stores Adult Learning.
Anna B. Sexton is a trained creativity coach (Performance Management/Cultural Leadership Programme), an enterprise mentor (IOEE) and Self Esteem Enhancement mentor (More To Life/Kairos Foundation).
Open To Create...  offers bespoke learning programmes, workshops and 1:2:1 coaching for creative, cultural and heritage leaders and managers in art galleries, museums, local authorities, universities, heritage and cultural institutions.

Free Creative Networking Event at Centre of Excellence of Women's Entrepreneurship Free Creative Networking Event at Centre of Excellence of Women's Entrepreneurship Reviewed by Crystal Emmanuel on 18:19 Rating: 5

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