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A Grandmother's Mission to Save Intended Victims from Rental Property Scams with Fireball Approves Investigations


Today at She Inspired Her we shine our spotlight on a woman who began her business journey as the result of a property rental scam, which could have impacted her life and ruined a vacation treat for her grandchildren had she not used her skills and instincts to uncover the plot and consequently not fall victim to it.

Meet Tammy Sorrento, a proud grandmother and the founder of Fireball Approves Investigations, a newly launched and much needed scam prevention and rental verification service.

 The Fireball Approves journey began when Tammy Sorrento was planning to Book a vacation to take her grandchildren to Key West in Florida. Tammy decided that she would rent a home for this family adventure and managed to find the perfect property! However, in all its glory, something about it was just way too good to be true! 

Having professional experience as an insurance investigator Tammy couldn’t help but use her acquired skills and knowledge to investigate further. Tammy's findings quickly confirmed that the listing was bogus, leaving her feeling relieved that she had dodged the intentions of a scam artist.

Learn the techniques Tammy used to unveil the truth that the listing was indeed just a scam in this rental property tips video.

Following this experience, Tammy was left contemplating what could have been. What would have happened if she had booked the property for her family vacation? Where would this deceitful scam have left her and her excited grandchildren when they landed in Key West? She would have been completely stranded with her disappointed grandchildren and they would have had nowhere to stay, not to mention hundreds of dollars out of pocket. This scam would have compromised their safety and completely ruined their family vacation and this was not okay!

The heartless deception and unapologetic greed displayed by the scammer alongside the very idea that this could happen to another family launched Tammy into action mode and the challenge was set! Tammy was now determined to ensure that no one else should ever have to experience this – not if she could help it!

Tammy got straight to work on her mission to create a solution to both rental and vacation property scams, launching Fireball Approves Investigations a company that is dedicated to championing the fight against rental scams.

A recent client who used the Fireball Approves service remarked “"I hired Fireball when I was looking to rent a place in Denver, Colorado. They immediately were on the case and extensively researched the home in question to determine if it was a scam or a safe rental. Within 24 hours, they confirmed the rental was legit which gave me peace of mind for my trip. Definitely worth it for anyone looking to solidify safe and stress-free travel plans. Thanks, Fireball," M. Gonzales.

With an abundance of positive testimonials Tammy has built a great reputation within the industry and has earned herself the nickname “Fireball” for her quick-fire work and rapid solutions!

When asked about her service Tammy passionately responded “Scammers will be stopped. I have reported hundreds of scammers to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I will continue to do so until every renter can rent without worry and every scammer understands rental property scams will no longer go unpunished,"

If you are planning to rent a property and want to ensure that you do not fall victim to a scam artist Fireball Approves will verify the validity of rental listings and confirm the identity of the advertiser. The company will also vouch for legitimate property owners and/or leasing agents who pass their robust vetting process.

For rental verification visit: FireballApproves.com

A Grandmother's Mission to Save Intended Victims from Rental Property Scams with Fireball Approves Investigations A Grandmother's Mission to Save Intended Victims from Rental Property Scams with Fireball Approves Investigations Reviewed by Crystal Emmanuel on 12:29 Rating: 5

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