How good are you at taking advice?
I often find, when various people are giving me advice, that they are telling me something that I already know (sub-consciously) is for the best. Possibly it is something that I have been avoiding doing or just something that I have not been thinking clearly enough to take action on - but I already know that it is the way forward! So when they say it out loud to me - they remind me "this will probably be the best way to go about it Crystal" and that advice gives me the final shove that I need to take action and solve the case!
Then of course there is the kind of advice that comes as a completely new and fresh
brainwave! The great idea that you completely by-passed during all of your procrastination sessions alone with the issue... then your drinking buddy just slips the idea in casually; in between taking a sip from her large wine glass and stuffing a sushi roll in her mouth and you scream "Why didn't I think of that before - YOUR A GENIUS!!" And... the problem is solved!
Advice, when given constructively, can really bring new perspective, new life and a fresh approach/action to an issue that you have been mincing over for ages. So pay attention! Advice from friends, family, colleagues, partners, therapists and even strangers can sometimes be of great value (with the exception of a few of course - be careful who you take advice from; be sure that it resonates with you and sounds like a good & logical idea)!
I recently went to the Women in Business: Whatever it Takes Conference at
The LondonMet in Moorgate, London. There were many female entrepreneurs and business owners speaking and networking at the conference from various different industries. Some were teachers, others therapists, one speaker was a marketing expert, another a writer and even a female hypnotherapist (which I thought was quite cool)! However different they were- they all had one thing in common - they all offered via their experience, expertise and great story telling - lots of valuable advice and quotes for me to take on board for myself AND to share with my readers!
Here are my favourite quotes and pieces of advice that I picked up in my notes from some great inspirational women in business on the day to share with our readers:
Advice and Quotes from Sonia Brown MBE - Founder of National Black Women's Network, Lets Talk Business & Sistatalk @soniatalks
"Be Teachable"
"Don't be afraid of titles"
"You don't have to be someone else - because their already taken"
"You've got to like people and engage"
"Its like when you make chicken - you bring your own ingrediants to make it perfect for you"
Advice and Quotes from Rona Fairhead - ChairWoman and Chief Executive, Financial Times) @ronafairhead
"There's no right way - it's the way that works for you"
"Keep getting involved - explore options"
"It is very important to keep in touch with your current clients, constant contact, every week - build relationships and ask them to share and pass it on"
"Use a story to bring it alive" (a tip for public speaking)
Advice and Quotes from Sharon Eden - The Passion Whisperer @sharoneden
"What you do in the world is your gift to the world"
"Lead with Purpose, Passion and Power"
"Live life with passion"
Advice and Quotes from Marilyn Devonish - Hypnotherapist at Tranceformations @marilyndevonish
"Be careful what you wish for, be careful what you ask for"
"I have come home, this is the thing I was born to do" (regarding how Marilyn felt with her realisation that hypnotherapy was for her)
Advice and Quotes from Tamsin Fox-Davies - Educational Marketing Expert, Constant Contact UK) @tamsinfd
"Focus your business around the things you want to do - that's where the passion is"
"I'd focus on just the things I wanted to do and sack the clients I didn't like"
"Check your smile.... Not fake it till you make it but wake up and make sure you are happy each day to go and do what you love"
"The fact that you asked the question is the answer"
"Set goals, measure and test"
Test things out e.g "send out a mail out to a group of clients saying 'if I did this... would you be interested"?
"It is important to have a sense of purpose... What you are doing is what you were put on this earth to do"
So there you have it!
Bags of advice from various women who have lived and breathed exactly what they are taking about! So if you are taking on anyone's advice I'd recommend having a go at taking on theirs today! Want more? Why not follow them on twitters, for some regular inspiration! I have left each of their twitters above alongside their quotes!
A big thank you to all the speakers featured; you were all inspiring and a joy to listen to and learn about!
Have a great week!
Article written by Crystal King
(@CrystalTheKing) - follow me :)
Entrepreneur, Performer and Blogger
She Inspired Her / Crystal King UK
Reviewed by Crystal Emmanuel

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