Do you know a young person / young adult who has talent?
Are you ready to help take their acting career to the next level?
Young A-Listers is a part-time self-empowerment drama school that enriches, uplifts and educates its students through personal development and drama. A school that assists students to become professional actors and provide them the life skills and personal awareness they need to succeed in life.
The school is run by actor Samuell Benta (Eastenders E20, The Black Ranger - Power Rangers Operation overdrive). Students will not only learn and develop their acting, they will be learning many areas of the entertainment industry and receive guidance for their journeys developing them to becoming efficient self-starters.
Young A-Lister teaches its students to be successful A-Listers in their own movie called ‘life’. There are also guest celebrity drop-ins and visits from high profile industry professionals.
Students will visit film and TV-sets and observe the creation process, which can spark other talents they never knew existed within them. Upon evaluation of their overall talent, skill and professional attitude with their end of year performance, they will also have the potential to join the BentaVision ‘Performers Catalogue’ for Film/TV and Theatre work that the company will be producing in the future.
This Young A-Listers opportunity is available for:
Tweens: (9-12 years)
Teens (13-17 years)
Young Adults: (18-21 years)
For A FREE trial class and more info please visit.
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Free Trial Class: Young A-Listers Self Empowerment Drama School
Reviewed by Crystal Emmanuel
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