So it is January 2017 and you are thinking about diet, weight and detox! Join the club mate! There are as always a million diet plans and detoxification methods on offer with a DIY motivation attached, but if you really can't be bothered to make your own and would much rather pop into a shop and get one freshly made by an 'expert' then this post is for you (hey, a walk to the shop for a detox smoothie is deemed as exercise too)!
I stumbled across 'Ginger and Lime' a juice bar run by Coach while in the Thornton's Budgen's store down in Belsize Park. Based within the Budgen's store 'Ginger and Lime' boasts over 11 years of experience in running juice bars around London - so I knew they just had to know what they were doing!
There were a huge range of delicious flavours available to choose from as I stepped towards the counter, surrounded by a delicious array of colourful raw fruit and veg of all shapes and sizes crammed inside the glass counter enjoying their own little fruit party! To just create a concoction of my own from scratch would have taken me way too long because I just could not choose (procrastination is the word) so I decided to opt for one of the recommended favourites on their menu board (which was HUGE and there were loads there too to be fair too - each sounding as good as the last). After some deliberation I opted for the 'Detox Zinger' because it sounded refreshing and zingy, plus the word 'detox' was very attractive.
So here is my review... straight from my buds which were 'zinged' at first slurp!
Detox Zinger
Ginger, cucumber, celery and apple
Well this smoothie is certainly less on the smooth and more on the ZING side of town! You would DEFINITELY have to be fan of ginger (which I am) to be able to enjoy this one... or else forget it!
Ginger, cucumber, celery and apple
Well this smoothie is certainly less on the smooth and more on the ZING side of town! You would DEFINITELY have to be fan of ginger (which I am) to be able to enjoy this one... or else forget it!
A few slurps had my tongue rattled with the unapologetic super tang of the ginger - they certainly didn't hold back with the ginger portion at all and this one is definitely not for the faint hearted! While on this 'smoothie-coaster' my buds also experienced the sweet/sour twist of the 'whole' apples that were added to the mix and then settled down ever so kindly (and slightly) by the cool and light creamy refreshing taste coming from the likes of the celery and cucumber combined. Needless to say, the ginger overpowered everything to be crowned as the big dip of the ride!
Very zingy indeed!
Their not lying in the name I tell you! and I personally loved it.
My ONLY 'no' here, was the gunky green bubble bath that sat awaiting me at the bottom of the cup when I got to the bottom of the drink. Having said that, although it was not to be desired or devoured by myself I am sure it was full of goodness and therefore well worth a spooning out for consumption (just not by me I'm afraid)! Definitely nil by mouth on that part for me!
So all-in-all a thumbs up from a lover of ginger #ZING
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'Zinged at First Slurp' - Ginger and Lime Smoothies - The Detox Zinger - Budgens, Belsize Park
Reviewed by Crystal Emmanuel
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