Much of the continuous growth we see in the figures relating to women running business ventures of their own is thanks to business loans for women becoming more commonly accessible. This is thanks to alternative funding methods that are found online, rather than in traditional high street banks.
Though only a mere 19% of UK-based SMEs are led by women, this is significantly more than we’ve had in the past. As time continues to pass and we break down more barriers that have held women back, we’re quite sure that we’ll see a large upward shift in this figure. The one key benefit of business loans for women is the inclusivity of gender it promotes in the world of business finance, which is something we desperately need to instil into the modern world.
The way to continue to break down barriers for women in the business world will be to give them a larger platform. This can be achieved by adding extra funds to their pockets in order for their business ideas to develop and realise the potential they have. Ideas cannot blossom without funding, so receiving a helping hand from time to time is the sort of thing we all need.
PDQ Funding are an online market leader in the world of business loans for women and they state that, “Through our market research we have found the difficulties women in business are faced with on a daily basis. The gender pay gap, the added difficulty of getting into a position of leadership, etc. We want all of these issues to come to an end, and the only way to do that is by helping women to be confident and grow within the world of business. More than anything, we want to see our clients succeed”.
More and more women are starting businesses and these businesses need capital. As we’ve seen, life for a female entrepreneur seeking start up capital is even more difficult than for men. Other traditional avenues of finance such as bank loans are also difficult to access.
Reports have stated that women tend to have lower credit scores than men even though men owe more than women. Part of the problem could be a disparity of income. The gender pay gap is very real and the cost of living for women can be much higher than men. These are the sort of issues that need we all collectively need to overcome in order to create a progressive future within the world of business and finance.
Business loans for women will help get added funding to those who need it in order to develop their business ideas and create new, leading brands.

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