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How to Keep Your Beauty Business Afloat Online During Lockdown

Across the UK, parts of the country are in varying levels of lock-down again.

The new covid winter plans are placing many areas into the higher tiers with varying affects on businesses, including those in the beauty industry.

If you’re dreading yet another lock-down and the possible effects on your business, you might be wondering what you can do to keep your head above water?

It may seem like your options are limited, however for many businesses the internet provides a solution. TNB Skills Training have been helping salons and beauty businesses throughout 2020 to stay afloat and even grow bigger while under Covid-19 restrictions.

Recently, TNB Skills Training told She Inspired Her that they recommend beauty businesses to consider online consultations as a way to keep interacting with their clients, push things forwards and bring in new interest.

Start Taking Consultations Online

In the first lock-down smart health and beauty businesses sought out new opportunities online. With many people using Zoom and Skype, for pretty much everything, it became apparent that it would also work out well for beauty consultations.

It doesn’t cost anything!

You don't even need to spend any money on special software. You can simply log in and use Zoom, which is a free platform. You can easily share your screen as well, so you can show clients specific hair styles that may suit them for instance, and bounce ideas back and forth. In some ways an online beauty consultation can prove more beneficial for the client.They may be more comfortable and relaxed within their own environment too, which is always a good thing.

Online consultations can deliver an effective, personal service while adhering to Covid-19 restrictions.

Any beauty practitioner can start providing online consultations quickly and easily. You don’t need any special lighting, in fact who really expects it in this year after we’ve all attended so many amateur zoom meetings. In fact, natural light will actually create a better, smoother, and more comfortable atmosphere for your client. Besides, when you need to show a colour, for example, special lighting can make a substantial difference and you may be leading a client in the wrong way accidentally.

Scheduling Your Online Consultations

Just like when you are working on your salon you need to have your clients scheduled throughout the day, this is no different for online consultations. However, in order to deliver a high-quality service, you need to prepare yourself. So, asking some prior questions to your client is crucial.

Simply ask the goal of the online consultation. Find out if the client is looking to dye their hair, what colour is they are used to or what they would like to use? You may even ask your client to send a photo of what they look to achieve which is easily done through messenger, email, or whatever meeting platform you choose to use. These will help you prepare yourself before the consultation and deliver a great service.

Bottom Line

Across the beauty industry, businesses are discovering ways to survive and even thrive online. From beauty training and classes on TikTok to face-to-face consultations. In an industry that relies on face-to-face contact, using modern video technology can really help!

Online consultations are a great way not only to maintain your business but also to grow it during the new lock-down. You don’t need to be held stagnant, everyone is already online, it’s just about tapping into it and using it to you advantage.

How to Keep Your Beauty Business Afloat Online During Lockdown How to Keep Your Beauty Business Afloat Online During Lockdown Reviewed by Crystal Emmanuel on 12:20 Rating: 5

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