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Don't Tell The Bride 14k Giveaway for a lucky couple! #OpportunityShare #Weddings

The producers of ‘Don’t Tell The Bride’ are currently looking to give away £14K to a couple who are brave enough to let their husband-to-be plan the entire wedding.

They are on the hunt for people who are hoping to get married and would be interested in potentially appearing on the show.
Couples can apply via this new link: http://bit.ly/beondttb 
Good Luck! 
She Inspired Her x

See more opportunities at: www.SheInspiredHer.com 

Don't Tell The Bride 14k Giveaway for a lucky couple! #OpportunityShare #Weddings Don't Tell The Bride 14k Giveaway for a lucky couple! #OpportunityShare #Weddings Reviewed by Crystal Emmanuel on 22:23 Rating: 5

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